- Baud Rate -- My factory default was set at 9600 Bauds, I went into the settings and changed it to 38,400(?) - At 9600 it printed a drawing from start of receiving data to printing and cutting of sheet in about 13.5 minutes. At 38,400 it prints the same sheet(36”x 48”) in 7 minutes from start of receiving data to sheet cut. And just 4.5 minutes for 24” x 36” sheets
2. Flattening PDF’s for Printing -- Foxit Phantom PDF Business 6.1 will give you a free 30 day trial. Their software is very similar to the ADOBE ACROBAT Pro and the best thing is it automatically flattens PDF’s before printing thus reducing the size of the file! It also has a PDF optimizer and a Reduce Size button. All for $129.00 I was having memory issues before and now that it’s flattening the PDF’s I haven't run into any more issues.
Note from the Plotter Princess: I've also found that PDF Architect is a nice $39.00 piece of PDF manipulation software. It does flattening and allows you to convert files to less memory intensive formats.
Thanks to Jim for sharing with everyone!