If you don't have a computer with a parallel port you'll need to get a USB to Parallel cable at your local computer supply store. The next problem you will run into while trying to load the driver if you are using Windows 7 is that you'll choose the wrong port and nothing will work...because you will click on the LPT1 port when instead you should choose the USB port that I show in the photo above. Most USB outlets are not mapped, so choose the first one and if that one doesn't work, remove the driver and load it again, this time using the second or third USB port.
One more thing: DON'T choose to print a test page when you are done installing your driver...these are often bad and don't work and will clog up the print queue. Instead, just send any small file...a Word document, an email, anything...it should connect and print via your plotter.
One more thing: DON'T choose to print a test page when you are done installing your driver...these are often bad and don't work and will clog up the print queue. Instead, just send any small file...a Word document, an email, anything...it should connect and print via your plotter.